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Image Analysis / zebrafish-neuroanalyser
MIT LicenseNOTE: This location has been archived and the project has been relocated to:
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Selection of streamlined codes used in `Predicting critical ignition in slow-fast excitable models'
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Repository for the scripts using in the data analyses in the paper 'A zebrafish model of clozapine exposure: drug-induced transcriptomic changes in the brain'
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Hepplestone / Artemis_public
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0 UnportedPublic release of ARTEMIS; the code that generates and predicts interfaces between two crystals.
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Hepplestone / Artemis
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0 UnportedGeneration and prediction of interfaces between two crystals.
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ic322 / AD mice RNA-seq Cell Reports
MIT LicenseCode supporting Castanho et al., 2020 (Cell Reports)
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